Creating a Healthy Environment: The Unsung Benefits of a Dehumidifier in Your Child’s Room

Creating a Healthy Environment: The Unsung Benefits of a Dehumidifier in Your Child’s Room

Creating a Healthy Environment: The Unsung Benefits of a Dehumidifier in Your Child’s Room

Introduction to Dehumidifiers

A dehumidifier is an often overlooked appliance that can make a dramatic difference in creating a healthy environment in your home. By removing excess moisture from the air, dehumidifiers can prevent a host of issues related to high humidity, from mold growth to exacerbated allergies and asthma. Their benefits are particularly notable in a child’s bedroom, where controlling humidity can help your kids sleep better, breathe easier, and avoid illness. This comprehensive guide will explore the advantages of using a dehumidifier in your child’s room and provide tips for choosing and maintaining the right model.

Smartphone with launched application for ventilation adjustment

The Impact of Humidity on Health

Humidity, or the amount of water vapor suspended in the air, affects far more than just comfort. Indoor humidity levels have a significant influence on health, especially respiratory health. High humidity allows for the growth of mold, mildew, dust mites, and other allergens that can trigger allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and upper respiratory infections. For children, who are more vulnerable to these effects, high humidity in their bedrooms can mean more missed school days, doctor’s visits, and medication usage.

Conversely, air that is too dry can irritate sinuses, cause dry skin and cracking, and worsen conditions like eczema. The ideal humidity range is 30-50% – not too damp, not too arid. Keeping your child’s room within these parameters can greatly reduce health issues related to humidity extremes. A dehumidifier is the most effective way to regulate moisture in one room without over-drying your entire home.

Understanding Humidity Levels

Humidity levels are expressed as relative humidity – the amount of moisture in the air compared to the maximum amount the air can hold at a given temperature. Warmer air can absorb more water vapor, so relative humidity changes with fluctuations in temperature. Here are some key points about relative humidity (RH):

  • RH above 60% – High humidity, optimal for mold/mildew growth
  • RH of 30-50% – Ideal for health and comfort
  • RH below 30% – Very dry air that can aggravate respiratory conditions

Ideally, your child’s bedroom should remain consistently around 35-45% RH year-round. A dehumidifier can help maintain these healthy humidity parameters.

Why Your Child’s Room Matters

Of all the rooms in your home, your child’s bedroom is one of the most important to keep an eye on for proper humidity levels. Excessive humidity in your child’s room can contribute to:

  • Aggravated asthma and allergies
  • Increased risk of respiratory infections
  • Difficulty sleeping and bedwetting
  • Mold growth under carpets and in closets
  • Cracking/peeling paint and wallpaper
  • Musty odors

Children spend roughly a third of their time in their bedrooms, much of it asleep. This prolonged exposure in an enclosed space makes them vulnerable to the detrimental effects of high humidity. Using a dehumidifier to regulate moisture prevents problems and creates a healthier habitat.

Signs of Excess Humidity in a Room

How can you tell if your child’s bedroom needs a dehumidifier? Here are some signs that humidity may be too high:

  • Condensation on windows and cold surfaces
  • Peeling wallpaper or paint
  • Cracks in walls or ceilings
  • Musty, moldy smells
  • Feelings of stuffiness or lack of freshness
  • Lingering dampness in closets or corners
  • Mold or mildew growth anywhere
  • Allergy or asthma symptoms get worse in the room

If you notice any of these warning signs, a dehumidifier can likely help correct the excess moisture issue before it causes bigger problems.

Benefits of Using a Dehumidifier

Installing a dehumidifier in your child’s bedroom can yield numerous benefits for their health and comfort:

  • Fewer allergy and asthma flare-ups – By inhibiting mold, dust mites, and other allergens, dehumidifiers allow kids to breathe easier.
  • Reduced risk of illness – Proper humidity helps ward off mold-related illnesses, respiratory infections, and weakened immune systems.
  • Better sleep – Excess humidity can make rooms feel stale and stuffy, disrupting quality sleep. Dehumidifiers promote air circulation and freshness.
  • Prevents musty odors – By controlling moisture, dehumidifiers stop mold and mildew growth that cause unpleasant, unhealthy smells.
  • Less cracking and peeling – Maintaining ideal humidity helps prevent paint, wallpaper and plaster cracks that can look unsightly.
  • Protects furnishings – Excess humidity can warp wood furniture and breed mold in closets and on fabrics. Dehumidifiers prevent deterioration.
  • Creates a comfort zone – Kids will feel more content in a room with proper humidity levels around 40-45% RH.

The right dehumidifier can make your child’s room a healthier, more comfortable place for them to sleep, play, and grow.

Choosing the Right Dehumidifier

Factors to Consider Before Buying

When selecting a dehumidifier for your child’s bedroom, keep these factors in mind:

  • Room size – Choose a unit with the recommended capacity for the room area. Under-powered models won’t provide sufficient drying.
  • Type – Whole-house vs. portable models. Portables are ideal for single rooms like bedrooms.
  • Auto shut-off – Units with this safety feature turn off when the tank is full to prevent overflowing. Critical for kids’ rooms!
  • Settings – Look for adjustable humidity settings, fan speeds, and drainage options.
  • Noise level – Ensure the unit runs quietly so as not to disturb sleep. Look for noise levels under 50 dB.
  • Energy efficiency – Choose an Energy Star rated model to reduce energy usage and costs.
  • Warranty – Select a brand that offers at least a 1-year warranty to guarantee performance.

Dehumidifiers for Baby Nurseries

For nurseries, look for dehumidifiers with these extra features:

  • Super quiet operation under 45 dB
  • Auto shut-off when tank is full or unit is tipped over
  • Caster wheels for easy mobility
  • Small footprint to fit in cramped nurseries
  • Night light or soft glow display options
  • No sharp corners or pinch points
  • External humidity monitors to avoid opening the room

Your baby’s developing immune system will benefit greatly from proper humidity control in their nursery environment.

Safety Precautions for Dehumidifiers

While invaluable for creating healthy kids’ rooms, dehumidifiers do require some safety measures:

  • Supervise use – Do not let children operate the dehumidifier without adult guidance.
  • Secure the unit – Ensure the dehumidifier cannot tip over by anchoring or installing safely out of reach.
  • Check for damage – Do not use any unit with frayed cords, cracks, or other defects.
  • Turn off when not in room – Shut off the dehumidifier when leaving the room for prolonged periods.
  • Keep air intakes clear – Do not block air vents with objects, furniture, or dust.
  • Empty tank regularly – Follow all maintenance guidelines to prevent overflow incidents.

With proper precautions, dehumidifiers are completely safe choices for children’s bedrooms and nurseries.

How Dehumidifiers Work

Dehumidifiers reduce excess moisture in rooms using a few simple mechanisms:

  • Air intake – A fan pulls humid room air into the dehumidifier.
  • Cooling coils – Air passes over cold metal coils, which cause water vapor to condense.
  • Water collection – Condensed water drips into a tank for disposal.
  • Air reheating – Air then passes over warm coils to raise its temperature before exiting.
  • Humidity sensor – An integrated hygrometer monitors room humidity and signals the unit to run when needed.

This continuous cycling of air through cooling and heating coils gradually lowers room humidity levels down to the target range. The water removed collects in a tank for easy disposal.

Types of Dehumidifiers

There are three main types of dehumidifiers suitable for home use:

Refrigerant Dehumidifiers

  • Most common portable units
  • Use chemical refrigerants to cool metal coils
  • Effective for smaller areas up to 4,500 sq. ft.
  • ENERGY STAR models available

Desiccant Dehumidifiers

  • Use desiccant materials to absorb moisture
  • Heat is applied to release absorbed water
  • Very quiet operation
  • Better for continual operation
  • More expensive initially

Thermo-Electric Dehumidifiers

  • Known as Peltier dehumidifiers
  • Use electric current to create a heat pump effect
  • Compact and quiet
  • Good for confined spaces like closets
  • Limited capacity and high energy use

For most bedrooms, an ENERGY STAR certified refrigerant dehumidifier offers the best performance and efficiency. Desiccant models work well for large rooms and continual use.

Dehumidifier vs. Air Purifier

Dehumidifiers and air purifiers both improve indoor air but perform different roles:

  • Dehumidifiers – Remove excess moisture to lower humidity and inhibit mold/mildew growth. Do not filter airborne allergens.
  • Air Purifiers – Filter out dust, pollen, pet dander, and other particles. Do not reduce humidity.

Using both appliances together provides complementary benefits and maximizes air quality. A dehumidifier keeps humidity in check, while an air purifier removes allergens. This one-two punch provides ideal healthy conditions.

Some brands offer combination units that dehumidify and purify air in one device. These can provide excellent all-around performance if sized properly for the room.

Setting up Your Dehumidifier

Proper setup of your dehumidifier is important for performance and safety:

  • Place on a level, stable surface in an out-of-the-way area of the room.
  • Allow at least 1 foot clearance around air intakes and exhaust.
  • Plug into a grounded outlet away from water sources.
  • Install safely out of children’s reach or anchor to prevent tipping.
  • Adjust settings to around 45% humidity and high fan speed.
  • Set up drainage option – internal tank or continuous drainage hose.
  • Allow unit to cycle on and off automatically based on humidity sensor.
  • Close windows and doors when running to allow it to work most effectively.

Refer to the manufacturer’s manual for model-specific setup steps. Proper placement and settings help the dehumidifier run safely and efficiently.

Maintenance Tips for Dehumidifiers

Regular maintenance keeps your dehumidifier functioning properly:

  • Check air filter – Clean filter every 1-2 months as per manual instructions to allow proper airflow.
  • Empty water tank – Be sure to empty tank frequently to prevent overflowing. Most units have automatic shutoff when full.
  • Clear debris – Use a soft brush attachment on a vacuum to remove dust and debris from intake and exhaust grilles every few months.
  • Inspect for leaks – Make sure no water leaks from the tank or internal housing, which could be a sign of a malfunction.
  • Check cords and plugs – Look for damage to electrical components that may cause a shock or fire hazard. Fraying, cracks, or warm plugs indicate a problem.
  • De-scale mineral buildup – In hard water areas, calcium and mineral deposits can collect internally and reduce performance over time. Use special cleaners to remove buildup per manufacturer recommendations.
  • Replace filter – Air filters in dehumidifiers should be replaced every 6-12 months for optimal operation.

Monitoring Humidity Levels

To get the most out of your dehumidifier, you’ll need to monitor the humidity in your child’s room:

  • Built-in hygrometer – Most dehumidifiers have a display that shows the current humidity percentage in the room.
  • External hygrometer – For a more accurate reading, place a standalone digital hygrometer in the room away from the dehumidifier to avoid localized effects.
  • Hygrometer apps – Apps on your smartphone can show humidity levels when paired with compatible sensors you place in the room. Very convenient for remote monitoring.
  • Humidistat – This sensor allows setting a humidity percentage and will automatically turn the dehumidifier on and off to stay in the preset range. Takes the guesswork out of monitoring.
  • Symptoms – Visual and tactile signs like condensation and musty smells can also indicate excess humidity.

Check humidity levels frequently when first installing your dehumidifier to ensure it’s reaching the 40-45% target range. Then monitor periodically to make sure it stays optimized.

Health Risks of High Humidity

Letting humidity remain elevated in your child’s room can negatively impact their health and development in various ways:

  • Mold exposure – Mold spores thrive in damp environments and trigger allergic reactions and respiratory distress when inhaled. Some molds even produce toxic compounds.
  • Bacteria growth – Humid conditions allow some bacteria like staphylococcus and streptococcus to propagate. These can cause skin infections and exacerbate sinusitis.
  • Dust mites – Microscopic mites proliferate with humidity above 50%. Their feces and shed exoskeletons are potent allergens.
  • Respiratory infections – Viruses and flu transmission increase with high humidity levels that allow contagious droplets to linger longer in air.
  • Asthma triggers – Mold, dust mites, and bacteria byproducts all can inflame airways and spur asthma attacks.
  • VOCs – Off-gassing from building materials and furnishings intensifies with moisture. VOCs irritate eyes, nose and throat.

Don’t let high humidity create an incubator for allergens, toxins and illness – use a dehumidifier to foster healthy air instead.

Mold and Mildew Prevention

Excess moisture allows mold colonies and mildew to take hold and spread in children’s bedrooms, impacting health and home value. Here’s how dehumidifiers counter mold and mildew:

  • Removes moisture that enables mold/mildew growth
  • Inhibits musty odors caused by fungi
  • Stops condensation that feeds spore propagation
  • Can dry damp spots before mold takes hold
  • Reduces surface area for mold/mildew to adhere to
  • Prevents paint/furnishing damage caused by fungi
  • Eliminates moisture lingering in tight corners/crevices
  • Creates unfavorable environment to halt further growth

Controlling humidity is the key step to both preventing new mold/mildew growth and eliminating existing colonies. Dehumidifiers provide constant management of moisture levels that keeps fungal growth in check.

Allergies and Humidity

Indoor humidity has a major impact on allergies in children, especially:

  • Dust Mites – Microscopic mites thrive on skin cells in dust at over 65% RH. Their droppings trigger allergies and asthma. Dehumidifiers keep RH below 50% to inhibit mites.
  • Molds – Humidity above 60% enables abundant mold growth. Spores disperse through the air and are easily inhaled, causing allergic reactions for sensitive children. Dehumidifiers prevent mold proliferation.
  • Bacteria – Humid conditions help bacteria multiply. Some species release allergens and compounds that worsen sick building syndrome symptoms. Dehumidifiers impede bacteria overgrowth.
  • VOCs – Off-gassing of VOCs from building materials and furnishings increases at higher humidity. VOCs irritate eyes, nose and throat. Dehumidifiers moderate VOC concentration.
  • Dust – Moisture makes dust particles adhere and accumulate on surfaces. Reducing humidity minimizes airborne dust to reduce allergens present.

Keeping your child’s bedroom humidity in the 40-50% range using a dehumidifier can drastically reduce allergen exposure and sensitivity reactions.

Dehumidifiers and Asthma

Asthma is exacerbated by mold, dust mite allergens, and other humidity-related triggers. Here’s how dehumidifiers can alleviate asthma:

  • Lower humidity prevents mold growth that produces spores that are inhaled
  • Reduces dust mite populations by creating a humidity level below their threshold
  • Limits mustiness and odors from fungi that can inflame airways
  • Curtails off-gassing of VOCs that irritate respiratory systems
  • Reduces bacterial growth which generates allergic compounds
  • Limits fabrics holding dust that enters airways and causes reactions
  • Clears condensation that allows dripping water to collect allergens
  • Improves air circulation and ventilation for easier breathing

Controlling bedroom humidity to a maximum of 50% RH creates an environment with minimized asthma triggers. Dehumidifiers are an effective investment to reduce wheezing and attacks.

Sleep Quality and Humidity

Humid conditions can undermine sleep quality for children:

  • Stuffiness – Excess moisture causes stale, stagnant air feeling that disrupts sleep. Dehumidifiers promote freshness.
  • Allergens – Allergic reactions from mold, mites, etc. make breathing and sleeping difficult. Dehumidifiers remove triggers.
  • Odors – Musty smells from humidity are distracting and hamper restful sleep. Dehumidifiers eliminate odors.
  • Condensation – Window and surface condensation allows dampness and allergens to collect, disturbing sleep. Dehumidifiers prevent condensation.
  • Sweating – High humidity and lack of air movement causes overheating and restless sleep. Dehumidifiers improve airflow.
  • Bedbugs – Humidity above 55% creates an environment for bedbugs to thrive in.

Energy Efficiency of Dehumidifiers

With kids’ rooms requiring around-the-clock moisture control, energy efficiency is a key factor in choosing a dehumidifier. Some tips:

  • ENERGY STAR rating – Seek models certified by the EPA’s program to ensure high efficiency and performance.
  • Low wattage – Compare unit power consumption and operating costs. More efficient models use less electricity.
  • Auto modes – Humidity sensor and auto shut-off prevent unit from running excessively, saving energy.
  • Supplemental ventilation – Use exhaust fans or open windows periodically instead of continuous dehumidifier operation.
  • Clean filters/coils – Dirty components make the unit work harder and use more energy. Keep clean.
  • Reduce humidity sources – Run appliances that generate moisture (showers, cooking) less frequently if possible.
  • Variable fan speed – Use lower fan speeds to maintain target humidity rather than max speed constantly.

An ENERGY STAR dehumidifier running only when needed provides ample moisture control without inflating your power bills.

Dehumidifiers and Your Utility Bill

While running a dehumidifier does use electricity, the increase to your utility bills should be minimal with an efficient unit:

  • 30-50 kWh/month – A typical dehumidifier for a child’s bedroom uses about this much power monthly, similar to a single light bulb.
  • 75 kWh/month max – At 12 hours of operation per day, electricity use would still only be around 2-3 kWh/day.
  • $8-$15/month – Based on electricity rates of $0.12 – $0.20/kWh, this equates to under $15 monthly in most regions.
  • Save on heating/cooling – By regulating humidity, you can set thermostats higher/lower and reduce AC costs more than dehumidifier electrical use.
  • Check your utility bill – Verify the actual impact after using the dehumidifier for a month. Look for changes in kWh used.

For the benefits of maintaining proper humidity, a slightly higher electric bill is a small price to pay to protect your child’s health and comfort.

Noise Levels and Dehumidifiers

Since they run continuously, dehumidifiers’ noise output is an important consideration for kids’ bedrooms:

  • 30-50 decibels – Average noise range for most dehumidifier models on low fan settings. Comparable to a quiet conversation.
  • Below 45 dB – Ideal for bedrooms; provides white noise without disturbance. Look for units rated 45 dB or less for night use.
  • High/low settings – Having variable fan speeds allows switching to low at night for quieter operation.
  • Compressor hum – The compressor activating can add brief periods of increased noise. Newer models minimize this.
  • Casters – Wheels allow easily moving the dehumidifier farther from the bed to reduce noise impact.
  • Sound insulation – Some have internal insulation surrounding moving parts to dampen operating sounds.

Units under 50 dB running on low fan speed provide adequate quietness for restful sleep. Seek super-quiet models below 45 dB for nurseries.

Eco-Friendly Dehumidifiers

Various design features make some dehumidifier models more eco-friendly:

  • Energy efficient – Units certified by Energy Star or DOE are guaranteed to use less electricity and save money.
  • Natural refrigerants – Eco-models use naturally occurring refrigerants like CO2 instead of chemical HFCs that have global warming potential.
  • Recycled plastics – Casing might incorporate post-consumer recycled plastics to reduce waste footprint.
  • Washable filters – Reusable air filters avoid waste and replacement costs of disposable filters.
  • Auto modes – Humidity sensors and auto shut-off prevent unnecessary operation for lower energy use.
  • Compressors – Inverter-driven compressors are more efficient at adjusting to load for lower energy draw.
  • Off-cycle draining – Some units evaporate tank condensation using waste heat when the compressor cycles off to avoid water discharge.

An eco-friendly dehumidifier saves energy, lowers utility costs, and reduces environmental impact in your child’s room.

Dehumidifiers for Different Room Sizes

Matching dehumidifier capacity (pint removal rate) to room size is important for proper moisture control:

Room SizeDehumidifier Capacity Recommended
100-150 sq ft20-25 pints/day
150-250 sq ft25-30 pints/day
250-400 sq ft30-40 pints/day
400-650 sq ft40-50 pints/day
650-800 sq ft50-65 pints/day
800-1000 sq ft65-75 pints/day
1000-1200 sq ft75-85 pints/day
1200-1500 sq ft85-95 pints/day
1500-2000 sq ft95-105 pints/day

Oversized units are less energy efficient and undersized models won’t control humidity well. Measure your room and match its area to the right capacity for optimum performance.

Portable vs. Whole-House Dehumidifiers

For a single room, a portable dehumidifier is usually preferable:

Portable Dehumidifiers

  • Designed for use in one room up to 1500 sq ft
  • Easier to install with window/ducting kits
  • Contained water tanks – no plumbing needed
  • Can move location as needed in home
  • Allow customizing humidity for each room
  • Lower upfront cost than whole-home models
  • Sufficient for managing humidity in kids’ rooms

Whole-House Dehumidifiers

  • Built into home HVAC system
  • Treat entire house simultaneously
  • Require professional ductwork installation
  • Need plumbed drainage for water removal
  • Provides uniform humidity in all rooms
  • Can’t customize humidity per room
  • More expensive initial cost
  • Better for very large, leaky, or damp homes

For most family homes, portable dehumidifiers are the simpler, more affordable choice to manage humidity in children’s rooms effectively.

Dehumidifiers and Home Improvement

Proper humidity control using dehumidifiers can prevent damage and deterioration to your home:

  • Prevents warping – Consistent moisture helps prevent warped floors, stuck doors and windows
  • No condensation – Eliminates mold-breeding window and surface condensation
  • Stops mildew – Reduces ugly mildew growth on walls, ceilings and panels
  • Paint/plaster – Keeps paint and plaster walls from cracking, peeling and bubbling
  • Furniture – Protects furniture from cracking and swelling due to moisture
  • Electronics – Reduces risk of short-circuiting of electronics from high humidity
  • Odor control – Prevents musty smells from permeating wood, fabrics and fixtures
  • Rust inhibition – Lessens corrosion of metal fixtures, pipes, and vents
  • Pest deterrent – Discourages pests like cockroaches and dust mites that need humidity

Dehumidifiers are a valuable home improvement investment to protect against degradation and extend property lifespan.

Creating a Comfortable Living Space

Beyond health benefits, dehumidifiers make your child’s room more comfortable:

  • Improves air quality for easier breathing
  • Eliminates stale, stagnant air and odors
  • Allows enjoying room at optimal cool temperatures
  • Reduces condensation, stickiness and sweating
  • Less static electricity levels
  • Prevents mildew and deterioration of fabrics/furniture
  • Discourages pests like spiders and cockroaches
  • Dries damp areas like closets to stop mustiness

-Allows open windows during rains without high humidity

  • Lets kids play indoors during wet weather
  • Clothes, towels and sheets dry faster

Controlling moisture creates an inviting environment your kids will enjoy spending time in.

Humidity Control for Parents

Dehumidifiers in children’s rooms provide peace of mind for parents as well by:

  • Reducing allergen and irritant exposure
  • Minimizing health issues and school absences
  • Avoiding costly home repairs from humidity damage
  • Making bedrooms more sanitary and hygienic
  • Lowering utility costs by improving home energy efficiency
  • Protecting furnishings and closets from deterioration
  • Increasing home’s lifespan by preventing water damage
  • Eliminating musty odors in kids’ living spaces
  • Allowing climate control without very dry air
  • Letting you monitor conditions remotely with smart controls
  • Giving kids cleaner, safer air to breathe all night

Dehumidifiers provide all-around benefits that give every parent satisfaction and assurance.

Maintaining Indoor Air Quality

Children spend up to 90% of time indoors, making indoor air quality imperative. Dehumidifiers improve air quality by:

  • Removing excess moisture that allows mold and bacteria growth
  • Lowering humidity below the threshold for prolific dust mite populations
  • Reducing concentrations of pollutants like radon and VOCs
  • Preventing conditions for pests like cockroaches and bed bugs
  • Limiting allergen-collecting surface condensation
  • Stopping musty, stale odors that indicate subpar air
  • Allowing use of air purifiers for further filtration
  • Letting occupants keep windows closed tightly when needed
  • Improving air circulation and ventilation
  • Operating safely 24/7 unlike ozone generators

Dehumidifiers are an integral component of any strategy for optimizing indoor air quality in a children’s environment.

Dehumidifiers for Seasonal Use

While ideal for basements and living spaces year-round, dehumidifiers can also provide seasonal relief:


  • Prevents sticky, muggy feel
  • Allows lower thermostat setting
  • Dries damp bathing suits, towels, and laundries
  • Controls humidity from open windows


  • Offsets increasing humidity as rains begin
  • Prevents window condensation as temperatures drop
  • Controls odors and moisture from closed windows


  • Guards against drafts and condensation from frequent entering/exiting
  • Protects against leaks, seepage and flooding
  • Reduces humidity from winter cooking, showers, etc


  • Wards off humidity spikes from April showers
  • Curtails musty smells from winter stagnation
  • Limits soil moisture and pollen brought inside

Using a dehumidifier during humid times of year provides whole-home or room-specific relief on demand.

Dealing with Wet Seasons

Rainy, damp seasons often lead to humidity headaches indoors. A dehumidifier helps by:

  • Counteracting ground moisture seeping into home
  • Managing windows being opened after summer rains
  • Handling humidity from wet kids and pets coming inside
  • Compensating for humid outdoor air entering via ventilation
  • Controlling laundry drying slower indoors and smelling musty
  • Preventing slippery floors and furniture from condensation
  • Eliminating condensation on storm windows not in use
  • Keeping closets and basements dry despite rampant outdoor mold
  • Reducing chances of water damage/leaks from chronic rain
  • Curtailing humidity from using kitchen and bath fans less

Dehumidifiers are built for rainy seasons – don’t let your home get soaked too!

Benefits for Parents’ Health

While ideal in kids’ rooms, dehumidifiers can also be a healthy investment in the master suite by:

  • Allowing lower thermostat setting for sleeping comfort without stuffiness
  • Removing allergens that exacerbate congestion and sleep apnea
  • Preventing dampness that aggravates arthritis and joint pain
  • Clearing condensation that promotes sinus infections and headache triggers
  • Improving sleep quality unimpeded by humidity and allergens
  • Eliminating humidity that worsens eczema and skin irritations
  • Stopping the growth of mold and mildew near bedding that affects breathing
  • Reducing dust mites that induce sneezing, runny nose and itchiness
  • Freshening stale, heavy air for increased alertness and productivity

Proper humidity control using a dehumidifier in your bedroom can benefit you and your spouse’s health just as effectively as it does your kids!

Child-Friendly Dehumidifier Features

Look for these extra features when selecting a dehumidifier for a child’s room:

  • Automatic shutoff when tank is full
  • Low temperature operation to 41°F (basements)
  • Whisper-quiet operation under 50 dB
  • Caster wheels for portability
  • Locks to prevent tampering
  • Colorful appearance
  • Small, compact size
  • External humidity monitoring
  • Auto-restart after power outage
  • Low voltage or WaterSense listing for safety
  • Digital controls and readouts for ease of use

The right dehumidifier lets you control their environment safely while meeting their comfort needs.

Childproofing the Dehumidifier

Young kids and dehumidifiers can safely co-exist with proper precautions:

  • Place out of reach to prevent access
  • Keep cords tucked away or use cord covers
  • Anchor securely to prevent tipping
  • Use outlet covers to block electrical plugs
  • Install high enough to avoid splashing with water
  • Ensure unit cannot slide or roll from installation area
  • Attach locks to deter opening controls or water tank
  • Place in closet or unused corner of room
  • Add baby gates as needed to block access
  • Keep doors closed and use safety knobs when running

With smart placement and baby-proofing, dehumidifiers are safe options even for toddlers’ rooms.

Nighttime Humidity Concerns

Humidity worries are heightened at night when:

  • Doors and windows are shuttight, trapping moisture
  • Exhaust fans aren’t run to remove humidity
  • Kids are inactive and not generating heat/circulation
  • Morning condensation accumulates overnight
  • Mold and dust mites have prolonged exposure
  • Stuffiness and allergens disrupt sleep
  • Lack of air movement allows humidity to rise
  • Odors from humidity have nowhere to dissipate
  • Respiratory issues like asthma worsen

Dehumidifiers run continuously combat overnight moisture buildup when natural ventilation is limited and disturb comfort the most.

Dehumidifiers and Baby Sleep

Proper humidity helps create ideal sleeping conditions for babies by:

  • Clearing irritants that stuff up airways and cause coughing
  • Reducing risk of overheating and heat rash
  • Keeping air lightly moist without being clammy
  • Limiting dust and dander to prevent sneezing
  • Stopping condensation that drips allergens into cribs
  • Removing mustiness that leads to breathing trouble
  • Preventing mold growth near cribs and bedding
  • Minimizing sagging/warping of cribs from moisture
  • Maintaining comfortable temperatures without aridity

Dehumidifiers are simple, effective solutions to ensure your baby sleeps soundly through the night.

Humidity and Skin Health

Proper humidity levels keep kids’ sensitive skin healthy by:

  • Preventing overly dry air that causes flaking and itching
  • Stopping excess moisture that leads to clamminess and sweating
  • Reducing humidity that enables growth of fungi on skin
  • Minimizing dust mites that trigger eczema outbreaks
  • Limiting condensation that collects allergens to touch skin
  • Decreasing likelihood of microbial development in damp folds
  • Stopping musty rooms that expose kids to spores
  • Lowering humidity that aggravates rashes and hives
  • Improving circulation of fresh air across skin

Dehumidifiers eliminate most environmental causes of aggravated skin conditions in children.

Dry Skin vs Humid Skin

Dry air and humid air have different effects on kids’ skin. A dehumidifier balances these extremes:

Dry Skin Effects

  • Flaking, cracking, redness
  • Itchiness and irritation
  • Worsened eczema
  • Development of rashes
  • Increased risk of infection
  • Aggravated allergies
  • Respiratory discomfort

Humid Skin Effects

  • Clamminess, sweating
  • Fungal and yeast infections
  • Bacterial overgrowth
  • Heat rash
  • Maceration in skin folds
  • Musty, stale environment
  • Worsened body odor
  • Dampness-induced discomfort

Proper Humidity Effects

  • Optimal moisture balance
  • Minimal itching and flaking
  • Clear skin free of infections
  • Fresh, breathable environment
  • Reduced allergens and microbes
  • Circulation and temperature at comfort level
  • Hydrated skin without excess moisture

Finding the Optimal Humidity Level

Ideal humidity levels:

  • Prevent dryness without allowing dampness
  • Make air feel fresh, not stuffy
  • Don’t create surface condensation
  • Keep relative humidity around 40-50%
  • Allow temperatures up to 70°F without discomfort
  • Reduce dust mites, but prevent molds
  • Minimize static electricity and odors
  • Eliminate mustiness and clamminess
  • Avoid cracked skin, but prevent sweating
  • Don’t require too much dehumidifier energy use
  • Reduce allergies and don’t aggravate asthma
  • Feel perfectly comfortable for most individuals

The 40-45% RH range hits the sweet spot between aridity and humidity for optimal living.

Measuring Humidity Accurately

To ensure your dehumidifier is performing properly, accurate humidity measurements are essential:

  • Use a dedicated hygrometer rather than relying on dehumidifier readings alone, which can be affected by unit placement.
  • Choose digital hygrometers for reliability. Avoid older analog types with needles and dials.
  • Select models with certified accuracy of +/- 3% relative humidity. More accurate units are available for +/- 1%.
  • Place hygrometer centrally in room at living space level, away from windows, doors or dehumidifier air streams.
  • Allow readings to stabilize for a few hours before adjusting the dehumidifier.
  • Replace hygrometer batteries annually per manufacturer recommendations.
  • Compare multiple instruments to check for consistency. Significant variation indicates inaccurate measurement.
  • Calibrate annually using salt test kits to maintain accuracy.
  • Avoid disturbances like direct sun, drafts, heat sources, and objects blocking air flow.

Careful humidity monitoring ensures your dehumidifier is hitting its 40-50% RH sweet spot.

Signs Your Child Needs a Dehumidifier

Watch for these signs it may be time for a dehumidifier:

  • Persistent coughing, sniffling, or throat irritation
  • Increased headaches, lethargy, or nausea
  • Decline in asthma or allergy condition
  • Musty “basement smell” in rooms
  • Cockroaches, dust mites, or rodents present
  • Peeling paint or warped floorboards
  • Mold or mildew visible anywhere
  • Books, shoes, or clothing smelling damp
  • Frequent condensation on windows
  • Sticky or clammy feeling indoors
  • Outdoor allergens worsening indoors
  • Difficulty keeping spaces comfortably cool

Don’t dismiss these red flags – elevated humidity could be at the root of your child’s discomfort.

Common Myths About Dehumidifiers

Despite benefits, some misconceptions about dehumidifiers persist:

Myth: Dehumidifiers cool rooms like air conditioners

FALSE – Dehumidifiers slightly warm rooms by heat generated from operation. Don’t expect temperature reduction.

Myth: Any humidity level below 50% is too dry

FALSE – Levels of 40-45% are optimal for health without excessive aridity.

Myth: Dehumidifiers eliminate need to ventilate

FALSE – Periodic ventilation is still important for fresh oxygen and air pollutant reduction.

Myth: Dehumidifiers remove dust from air

FALSE – They reduce air moisture only. Use with air purifiers for full air quality improvement.

Myth: Bigger capacity is always better

FALSE – Oversized units waste energy. Match unit size to room requirements.

Don’t let myths deter you from trying a dehumidifier to create a healthier habitat for your family.

Dealing with Allergies in Children

Indoor humidity is a major factor influencing kids’ allergies. Dehumidifiers can help alleviate allergic reactions by:

  • Lowering humidity below 50% to discourage dust mites, the most common allergen trigger
  • Preventing growth of molds and mildews that release spores into air
  • Reducing condensation that causes surfaces to collect allergens
  • Improving air circulation and ventilation to limit allergen concentrations
  • Removing dampness that allows odors and chemical off-gassing to accumulate
  • Keeping fabrics and soft surfaces from becoming reservoirs for allergens
  • Maintaining temperatures that feel comfortable without needing excessive ventilation
  • Allowing use of air filters and purifiers in tandem for further reduction
  • Creating an overall cleaner, healthier environment with minimized triggers

Dehumidification helps provide allergy relief on multiple fronts simultaneously.

Dehumidifiers and Respiratory Health

Respiratory conditions in kids are often aggravated by indoor air. Dehumidifiers can promote respiratory health by:

  • Lowering humidity that enables prolific allergen production
  • Preventing growth of mold and bacteria that foster infections
  • Eliminating musty odors indicative of indoor air contaminants
  • Reducing likelihood of sinus congestion and postnasal drip
  • Keeping humidity low enough to discourage pests like cockroaches
  • Maintaining temperatures that feel comfortable without stuffiness
  • Allowing use of air purifiers to further filter particulates
  • Avoiding very dry air that directly irritates airways
  • Improving circulation and ventilation for easier breathing overall
  • Providing relief from asthma triggers and wheezing

Controlling moisture reduces the sources, odors, and conditions that impede healthy breathing.

Comparing Dehumidifier Brands

When selecting a dehumidifier, consider manufacturer reputation, support, and reliability:

Recommended Brands

Frigidaire – Excellent all-around performance, features, reliability, warranties

Aprilaire – Top performance and durability with reputable home health improvement background

Honeywell – Longstanding brand with full range of models plus remote monitoring options

Eva-Dry – Compact and effective units using renewable silica gel; great for closets/confined spaces

Other Good Brands

GE, Danby, hOmeLabs, Ivation, TOSOT, Tenergy

Less Ideal Brands

Black & Decker – Sparse feature set and performance for the price point

EcoSeb – Very cheaply made and prone to breakdowns

Zilotek – Questionable moisture removal capacity for advertised specifications

Seek an established brand for a quality dehumidifier with better longevity in your child’s room.

Budget-Friendly Options

Effective dehumidifiers don’t have to be costly. Look for these features in budget-priced models:

  • Manual controls – Avoid digital displays/controls that add expense
  • Compact size – Units made for smaller rooms are more affordable
  • Peltier technology – Less complex design than refrigerant models
  • 30-40 pint/day capacity – Meet needs of kids’ rooms without large capacity costs
  • ENERGY STAR rating – Guarantees efficient operation to offset purchase price
  • Timer and auto shutoff – For safety and to prevent excessive runtime
  • Wheels for mobility – Allow positioning unit easily without outlet changes
  • Medium fan speeds – Use lower speeds instead of high for energy savings

An affordable, well-featured dehumidifier provides ample protection for your child’s room on a budget.

Dehumidifiers as Long-Term Investments

While carrying an upfront cost, a dehumidifier saves money over the long run by:

  • Preventing replacement of furnishings damaged by humidity
  • Reducing medication, doctor co-pays for humidity-aggravated conditions
  • Avoiding costly home repairs needed from moisture damage
  • Limiting sick days for parents to stay home with kids
  • Improving energy efficiency from avoiding very high/low thermostat settings
  • Allowing lower cooling costs in summer through added humidity control
  • Extending lifespan of home by protecting against water damage
  • Eliminating musty odors that could lower home value

For the benefits gained, a dehumidifier’s upfront investment pays dividends through years of use.

Setting Up Dehumidifier Zones

For large homes, a whole-home dehumidifier may be excessive to manage kids’ rooms alone. Consider zoned dehumidification instead:

  • Use compact units sized for individual rooms
  • Choose models with humidistat to automate operation per area
  • Close each room’s doors and windows when running
  • Check units don’t conflict with each other if rooms are adjacent
  • Let the humidistat in problem rooms like basements run more
  • Have a whole-home unit as backup for extreme conditions
  • Use a hygrometer in each zone to compare performance
  • Adjust zoning seasonally based on room usage patterns

With smart setup, zone dehumidifying provides targeted relief right where needed in your home.

Dehumidifiers in Multi-Story Homes

For multi-level homes, distribute dehumidifiers strategically:

  • Place a unit in known problem areas like basements
  • Install near humidity sources such as laundry rooms
  • Use a unit in kids’ rooms rather than subjecting whole floor
  • Ensure bedrooms with allergy/asthma sufferers are prioritized
  • Keep doors closed and use towel strips to limit airflow between zones
  • Have a unit on each floor rather than trying to condition from one central one
  • Let the dehumidifier run longer on lower levels where humidity accumulates
  • Check that stairwells aren’t creating convective loops undermining units

Proper whole-home humidification requires treating each floor independently.

Eco-Friendly Humidity Solutions

In addition to dehumidifiers, incorporate other green tactics:

  • Ventilate with outdoor air using fans whenever possible
  • Avoid humidity sources like extensive laundry drying indoors
  • Open windows briefly at night to let moisture escape
  • Use localized fans near humidity sources to ventilate
  • Install bathroom and kitchen fans vented directly outdoors
  • Keep AC drip pans clean and draining properly
  • Insulate cold water pipes to prevent sweating
  • Make sure attic spaces and crawlspaces are ventilated
  • Use rain barrels to collect moisture instead of foundation
  • Landscape with plants and grading that direct water away from home

A little diligence complements your dehumidifier for an eco-friendly healthy home.

Child-Safe Dehumidifier Placement

When installing a dehumidifier in a child’s room, prioritize safety:

  • Keep out of reach of young children to prevent access
  • Place unit away from sleeping area to minimize noise
  • Avoid locations where cords can be reached and pulled
  • Select stable surface that prevents tipping accident potential
  • Ensure openings aren’t obstructed by objects or curtains
  • Check that vented air won’t blow directly on child’s face
  • Allow space for condensation bucket to be emptied properly
  • Use protective outlet covers and mount extension cords safely

Take precautions and dehumidifiers can operate worry-free even in nurseries and toddler rooms.

Dehumidifiers and Household Odors

High humidity encourages musty household odors. A dehumidifier helps by:

  • Removing dampness where odors breed
  • Clearing air stagnation that traps smells
  • Limiting condensation that holds odors
  • Stopping mildew growth that releases foulness
  • Keeping sinks, drains, and garbage cans dry
  • Preventing moisture-loving pests like cockroaches
  • Allowing use of zeolite air purifiers to absorb odors
  • Reducing humidity that worsens pet smells
  • Maintaining air circulation to prevent lingering stench
  • Eliminating damp towels and laundry smelling musty

Dehumidification keeps your entire home smelling fresh by cutting off odor sources at the root – excess moisture.

Combining Dehumidifiers with Air Filters

While dehumidifiers reduce moisture, adding air filtration maximizes air quality by capturing:

  • Dust – Dust mites, pet dander, skin flakes
  • Smoke – Cooking fumes, tobacco, wildfire soot
  • Chemicals – Paint fumes, formaldehyde, cleaners
  • VOCs – Off-gassing from furniture, building materials
  • Pollen – Outdoor allergens entering through ventilation
  • Bacteria – Airborne microbe elimination as small as 0.3 microns
  • Viruses – Including removal of aerosol droplets containing flu

Look for high MERV rated filters or HEPA models to filter particulates as small as 0.3 microns. The combination tackles both humidity and contaminants!

Seasonal Maintenance Checklist

To keep your dehumidifier operating at peak efficiency, follow this seasonal maintenance schedule:


  • Clean any mold or mildew buildup
  • Wash reusable filters
  • Clear blockages and debris from vents
  • Check for leaks and dripping
  • Replace any damaged parts


  • Empty water tank frequently
  • Monitor humidity levels in rooms
  • Clean filters every 4-6 weeks of runtime
  • Vacuum intake grille when visibly dusty


  • Make sure automatic drainage works
  • Reverse airflows and clean
  • Check humidity sensor calibration
  • Clean mesh grids and air intakes


  • Defrost models prone to freezing
  • Wipe down exterior and vents
  • Inspect wiring and plug condition
  • Test functionality at low temperatures

Simple seasonal dehumidifier care ensures healthy air year-round.

Dehumidifiers and Home Improvement

Beyond health, dehumidifiers improve homes by:

  • Stopping window condensation that enables mold growth
  • Preventing basement flooding by reducing seepage
  • Protecting insulation, wiring, and electronics from moisture damage
  • Keeping paint, wallpaper and plaster walls from peeling and bubbling
  • Avoiding warped floors, sticky windows, and swelled woodwork
  • Reducing risk of water stains on walls and ceilings from leaks
  • Removing humidity that corrodes pipes, metal fixtures, and vents
  • Discouraging pests like silverfish and cockroaches that need moisture
  • Letting closet and bathroom fans work more efficiently
  • Limiting foul odors from sink and drain backups

Dehumidifiers are valuable home improvement tools that enhance interior conditions and prevent deterioration.

Longevity of Dehumidifiers

With proper maintenance, a quality dehumidifier can provide over 5 years of faithful service. To maximize longevity:

  • Follow all cleaning instructions per manual
  • Anchored installation prevents tipping/drops
  • Avoid using near water sources to prevent accidents
  • Coil and filter cleaning improves airflow over time
  • Regular vacuuming protects parts from dust/debris damage
  • Level installation deters vibration issues over years
  • Smart water drainage stops leaks from overflowing
  • Keeping air intakes clear enables maximum performance
  • Off-season storage protects from ambient humidity
  • Fixed operating location reduces wear from transport
  • Proper sizing prevents overworking and strain

A little care goes a long way for getting the most out of your dehumidifier investment long-term.

Dehumidifiers in the Modern Nursery

Today’s nurseries integrate smart technology for baby’s comfort. Dehumidifiers enhance modern nurseries by:

  • Pairing with humidity sensors for automated environment control
  • Allowing integration into smart home and voice assistant systems
  • Preventing WiFi and Bluetooth bugs from humidity damage
  • Operating extremely quietly to avoid sleep disturbance
  • Letting parents monitor conditions remotely via apps
  • Complementing white noise apps and machines for better sleep
  • Eliminating humidity that disrupts touchscreen and electronics
  • Allowing optimal nursery camera performance without condensation
  • Protecting baby monitors and sensors from moisture
  • Creating ideal conditions for air purifiers to remove allergens

Don’t overlook dehumidification as an essential element of the total connected nursery ecosystem.

Dehumidifiers for Playrooms

Playrooms see lots of activity that necessitates dehumidification:

  • Prevents musty odors from damp carpeting
  • Protects toys, electronics and furnishings from moisture damage
  • Reduces surface condensation from high ventilation rates
  • Controls humidity created through play and exertion
  • Limits mildew growth in closets and cabinets
  • Minimizes dust mites, bacteria, and mold in stuffed animals
  • Prevents fort blankets and play tents from becoming moldy
  • Allows keeping windows closed for safety without stuffiness
  • Stops art supplies and paper from becoming warped
  • Discourages pests like silverfish from taking up residence

Dehumidifiers are the unsung heroes keeping playrooms fresh for ongoing fun.

Smart Dehumidifier Options

Many dehumidifiers now integrate smart technologies:

  • Smartphone control – Adjust settings and monitor performance via mobile apps
  • Voice activation – Start, stop or change modes using home assistants
  • Humidity meters – Built-in or remote hygrometers wirelessly relay conditions
  • Humidistats – Automatically turn on near a set humidity percentage
  • Usage tracking – Monitor runtime hours to gauge room conditions
  • Drainage alerts – Notify when tank needs emptying via phone
  • Air quality data – Some display other measurements like temperature and VOCs
  • IFTTT integration – Create rules like shutoff when smoke detector activates
  • Leak prevention – Built-in pump motors stop before overflow

Smart dehumidifiers let you effortlessly oversee your child’s environment even when away.

Keeping a Clean Dehumidifier

Musty dehumidifier odors can negate indoor air benefits. Keep units fresh by:

  • Emptying collection tank frequently
  • Allowing tank to fully air dry between uses
  • Running cleansing cycles per manufacturer instructions
  • Vacuuming intake vents when visibly dusty
  • Using compressed air to remove stuck debris
  • Cleaning coils and filters as recommended
  • Keeping surface and vents free of dust buildup
  • Wiping down exteriors to prevent residue accumulation
  • Checking for mildew buildup in crevices
  • Monitoring air output for mustiness
  • Storing unit properly when not in use

A little upkeep prevents a dehumidifier from becoming an indoor air hazard itself.

Monitoring Humidity Remotely

Remote humidity monitoring allows checking your dehumidifier’s performance from anywhere:

  • View conditions via a smartphone app paired to sensors
  • Receive push notifications when humidity goes out of range
  • Access readings without disturbing children
  • Check on rooms while away at work or on vacation
  • Ensure dehumidifier is operating as expected
  • Log data over time to identify humidity patterns
  • No need to manually record separate hygrometer readings
  • Troubleshoot issues quickly by remote diagnostics
  • Avoid excess entry/exiting rooms that alters conditions
  • Integrates into smart home dashboards and voice control

Remote monitoring provides peace of mind your family is always breathing healthy humidity levels.

Dehumidifiers for the Whole Family

While critical in kids’ rooms, dehumidifiers benefit the whole family by:

  • Creating ideal conditions for sleep, work, play, and storage
  • Protecting valuables like electronics, musical instruments, and books
  • Preserving clothing, shoes, and fabric furnishings from mustiness
  • Stopping mold and pests throughout living spaces
  • Maintaining pleasant temperatures without extreme drying
  • Allowing humidity-sensitive houseplants to thrive
  • Preventing condensation rings on furniture
  • Improving air circulation throughout the home
  • Reducing heavy, stuffy air feeling
  • Eliminating musty odors
  • Keeping bathrooms and kitchens smelling cleaner

The entire household environment improves when humidity is well managed.

Child’s Comfort and Humidity

Children are especially sensitive to improper humidity levels:

  • Dry air aggravates respiratory conditions, allergies, and eczema
  • Excess moisture foments mold growth that breeds illness
  • Stuffy air disrupts sleep quality and concentration
  • Dampness encourages dust mites, bacteria, and cockroaches
  • Odors from humidity are unpleasant and decrease enjoyment
  • Condensation collects irritants kids then touch and inhale
  • Cracking paint and peeling paper provide distraction
  • Weakened immune systems leave children more infection prone
  • Viruses and flu spread more easily in humid conditions

Ensuring right humidity levels maximizes your child’s daily comfort and contentment.

Dehumidifiers in Dry Climates

Dehumidifiers aren’t just for tropical, rainy climates. They benefit dry regions too by:

  • Preventing over-drying that creates static electricity
  • Allowing thermostats to be set lower without aridity
  • Less need to over-ventilate and lose expensive cooled air
  • Reducing dry airway irritation and respiratory infections
  • Minimizing painful cracking of hands, lips and skin
  • Keeping allergens from becoming airborne in breeze
  • Protecting furnishings and woodwork from splitting
  • Controlling condensation from cold surfaces
  • Making indoor time more pleasurable vs harsh outdoors
  • Allowing dusting and cleaning without immediately drying out

Targeted humidification can make dry regions more livable for kids.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Unit Not Turning On

  • Check power connections
  • Plug into different outlet
  • Test outlet with another device
  • Reset any tip-over switches
  • Ensure humidity setting is below room’s
  • Verify remote controls are paired

Not Collecting Water

  • Air filter may be blocked
  • Defrost icy coils
  • Empty tank completely
  • Clear blockages in condensate hose
  • Ensure back damper opens properly

Water Leaking

  • Check for loose hose fittings
  • Empty tank promptly when full
  • Clean pump filter and tubing
  • Ensure unit is level
  • Monitor tank seal for cracking

Inadequate Drying

  • Reduce room humidity sources
  • Clean air filter and vents
  • Size up to a larger capacity
  • Check for leaky windows or doors
  • Be sure damper opens fully
  • Verify accurate hygrometer readings

With some troubleshooting, your dehumidifier will be back to healthy air.

Dehumidifier Safety for Kids

Using dehumidifiers in children’s rooms calls for added safety steps:

  • Anchor or mount on wall/ceiling to prevent tipping
  • Place on stable, level surfaces able to bear weight
  • Keep all vents and openings uncovered and accessible
  • Mount at height inaccessible to children
  • Ensure doors don’t strike unit when opened
  • Check for pinch points on casters or louvers
  • Put out of reach of curious hands
  • Use protective outlet covers if plug is accessible
  • Keep cords neatly tied back and out of the way
  • Attach CO monitors if using in tightly sealed rooms

With a few precautions, dehumidifiers are safe options even in young kids’ bedrooms.

Sustainable Dehumidifier Practices

Reduce your dehumidifier’s environmental impact by:

  • Choosing Energy Star certified high-efficiency models
  • Installing properly sized units for room requirements
  • Letting auto humidistats prevent excessive runtime
  • Using sleep, away, and weekend modes to conserve power
  • Checking and changing filters regularly to maximize airflow
  • Keeping vents and coils clean for operational efficiency
  • Using recycled water collected for gardening/cleaning
  • Composting instead of trashing debris cleaned from unit
  • Utilizing eco-friendly refrigerants like CO2 vs chemical HFCs
  • Recycling older units responsibly when replacing them

With conscientious usage, dehumidifiers can be an eco-win for your family.

Energy-Saving Tips

Cut dehumidifier energy consumption by:

  • Choosing ENERGY STAR rated models guaranteed efficient
  • Sizing appropriately to avoid an overworked, constantly running unit
  • Using built-in humidistats to run only when needed
  • Letting auto shutoff prevent unit from running once target met
  • Lowering fan speed – high constant speeds waste energy
  • Placing in coolest area since warmth reduces efficiency
  • Checking seals – units work harder when leaking
  • Avoiding excessive ventilation that forces continual dehumidifying
  • Checking refrigerant levels – low levels reduce performance
  • Monitoring air filter status and changing when indicated
  • Using timer options to run only during most humid times of day

With a few easy habits, your operating costs will stay low.

Comparing Dehumidifiers and Air Conditioners

While both modify indoor air, key differences exist:


  • Removes moisture, not cools
  • Treats only spaces it’s in
  • Uses less energy
  • Works at lower temperatures
  • Has continuous drainage
  • Safer extended operation

Air Conditioner

  • Cools air, some dehumidify
  • Whole home or zoned ducted system
  • Uses more electricity overall
  • Won’t run efficiently below 65°F
  • Condensate reused to cool unit
  • Less safe for permanent use

Air conditioners work indirectly and inefficiently to dehumidify. Dedicated dehumidifiers target moisture control.

Dehumidifiers and Home Resale Value

Controlling humidity using dehumidifiers can make a home more attractive to buyers by:

  • Preventing mold/mildew from forming anywhere
  • Avoiding cracked walls, warped floors, and swollen woodwork
  • Keeping rooms fresh and comfortable, not stuffy or damp
  • Eliminating condensation that stains walls and windows
  • Stopping musty odors that lingers in fabric and ductwork
  • Allowing temperature to be kept lower without discomfort
  • Protecting electronics and valuables from moisture damage
  • Keeping closets and basements dry and usable for storage
  • Reducing likelihood of insect pests gaining foothold
  • Ensuring kids’ health so parents feel spaces are livable

Proper dehumidification adds value by preventing deterioration and unhealthy air.

A Healthier Home for Your Family

Indoor humidity control using dehumidifiers:

  • Prevents growth of mold, bacteria, and dust mites
  • Reduces condensation that collects allergens
  • Stops musty odors indicative of poor air quality
  • Maintains temperatures that are comfortable without aridity
  • Allows use of air purifiers to further filter allergens
  • Limits chances of sinus infections and headaches
  • Discourages pests like cockroaches and silverfish
  • Protects kids with asthma from humidity triggers
  • Creates pleasant, fresh-feeling living spaces
  • Promotes better sleep unimpeded by stuffiness

Dehumidification is one of the simplest yet most effective steps toward a verifiably healthier home.

Benefits of Humidity Control Year-Round

Many think dehumidifiers are only for summer’s “dog days.” However, benefits exist all year:

Spring – Manage April showers, damp basements, morning condensation

Summer – Stop mugginess without over-cooling or drying air

Fall – Offset “rainy season” and humidity post-summer heat

Winter – Control additional moisture from cooking, showers, drying laundry indoors

All Seasons – Prevent musty odors, discourage pests, reduce allergens and illness triggers

All Year – Protect furnishings and building materials from humidity damage

Consistent dehumidification provides advantages and reassurance no matter the season.

Conclusion: Your Child’s Healthy Habitat

The science is clear – managing humidity in your child’s bedroom optimizes health and comfort. Luckily, modern dehumidifiers are affordable, effective solutions to create the proper 30-50% humidity needed for kids to thrive. Whether a dedicated nursery unit or whole-home system, dehumidifiers pay dividends reducing respiratory issues, allergies, asthma attacks, and illnesses aggravated by improper moisture levels. And the benefits don’t stop at your kids – the entire home’s air quality, energy efficiency, odor reduction and pest control improves. Despite potential misconceptions, a dehumidifier is one of the soundest, safest investments you can make this season to cultivate a verifiably healthier habitat for your family. The choice is simple – breathe easier today!

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